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50 Club
Fantasy Cricket
Match Reports
New Members

See Also

2009 - 50 Club Winners
2008 - 50 Club Winners
2007 - 50 Club Winners
2006 - 50 Club Winners
2005 - 50 Club Winners
2004 - 50 Club Winners
2003 - 50 Club Winners
 2002 - 50 Club Winners
2009/2010 - 50 Club Winners.  
 September 2010 28 Mal Pinfield £15
  12 Ian Hughes £10
 August 2010 46 Chris Collins £15
  30 Pete Willis £10
July 2010 21 Lindsay Fearon £15
32 Ed Pinfield £10
June 2010 12 I. Hughes £15
  1  D. Forster £10
May 2010 46 Chris Collins £15
  9 Sos Hughes £10
April 2010 41 Chris Rowland £15
  49 James Fearon £10
Easter 2010 10 Pete Blackburn £25
March 2010 43 Club Number £15
40 Club Number £10
February 2010   4  Lee Westwood £15
  7  Dan Brannigan £10
January 2010 24 Keith Greaves £15
29 Mal Pinfield £10
Christmas 2009 14 Emma Fearon £50
December 2009 43 Club Number £15
   4 Ian Westwood £10
November 2009 47 Sian Hussein £15
  45 Kev Collins £10
October 2009 31 Colin Ingley £15
  20 Ian Hughes £10
Previous News.  
9th August 2010 Lindsay Fearon won the first prize for July and Ed Pinfield won the second prize. The draw took place at the Ostrich Public House in Longford after the defeat at Sutton on the Hill.
18th July 2010 Ian Hughes won the first prize for June and Dave Forster won the second prize. The draws for February through to June took place at the Marstons Sports and Social Club in Burton after the win over WT Parkers.

Updated 21st Sept 2010

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Web page prepared by Paul Fearon (c) Lichfield Nomads Cricket Club 2010